Instructions: -there is a camera bar at the bottom of your HUD. You don't have to click it to open the monitor, you just have to swiftly bring your cursor to touch it.(same thing for bringing the monitor down.) - 3 animatronics start at CAM 1A and 1 is hidden behind the curtains in CAM 1C. I highly suggest you monitor this camera often. -Frequently check your doors by lighting it up. If you see something suspicious, close the door immediately. -If you hear clanging pots and pans at some point, one animatronic is in the kitchen. another audio will be coming from the kitchen as well. -More instructions will be coming from a recorded message. Night 1 and 2 will have the most information. -Most important thing: conserve power. P.S you can honk Freddy's nose on the poster.

Published 13 days ago
StatusIn development
TagsFive Nights at Freddy's, Horror, Remake

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